September 1900 (Vol. 1, No. 4)



September 1900 (Vol. 1, No. 4)

Source: James Weldon Johnson Memorial Collection in the Yale Collection of American Literature, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library

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Table of Contents

Miss Maud D. Davis, Brooklyn, N.Y. [Cover]
Portrait, Gertrude Lambert (Frontispiece)
Portrait, Booker T. Washington (Frontispiece)
The Storm before the Calm, Booker T. Washington
Portrait, Jacksonville Quartette
Portrait, Mrs. Rosa D. Bowser, Richmond, VA
Portrait, Miss A. Louise Barrett
Homer Thale
The Stress of Impulse (Serial) [Part II, Chs. 5-8], Maitland Leroy Osborne
A Memorial of Frederick Douglass, C. Henry Holmes
First Pan-African Conference, S.E.F.C.C. Hamedoe
Portraits, Cyrus Field Adams, Dr. S. E. Courtney, Bishop Alexander A. Walters
Portrait, James Ephraim McGirt
Mrs. Rosa D. Bowser
Northeastern Federation of Women’s Clubs, 
Olivia Ward Bush
Cyrus Field Adams
Beth’s Triumph, A Two-Part Story 
(Part II), Anne Bethel Scales
Afro-American, Chas. Fred White
Racial Hatred,
Charles Winslow Hall
Portrait, Theodore W. Jones
Portrait, James N. Vandewall
In Defence of the Race,
Robert W. Carter
For Freedman’s Rights, M. F. Hunter
National Negro Business Men’s Convention, W. Winfree
Here and There
Editorial and Publisher’s Announcements