May-June 1903 (Vol. 6. No. 6)



May-June 1903 (Vol. 6, No. 6)

Source: James Weldon Johnson Memorial Collection in the Yale Collection of American Literature, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library

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Table of Contents

Miss Vella Crawford, St. Louis, Mo.  [Cover]
Colonel William H. Dupree (Frontispiece)
Truth (Poem), Mrs. E. F. W. Harper
I Can Trust (Poem), Daniel Webster Davis
Memorial Day (A Thought)
The Negro in the Navy, Nicholas H. Campbell, U. S. N.
No Negro Problem, D. Augustus Straker, L. L. D.
Poem (From the Liberia Herald, 1843), Hilary Teage
Of One Blood; Or, The Hidden Self (Serial), Pauline E. Hopkins
Ethiopians of the Twentieth Century, A. Kirkland Soga
The Future of the Negro on the Stage, Lester A. Walton
Biographies of the Officers of the New Management of Our Magazine

Here and There
Life and Works of Negroes Distinguished in Earlier Centuries in Science, Literature and the Arts, I. Frances William, Bishop H. Gregoire
Reminiscences of the Life and Times of Lydia Maria Child (Conclusion), Pauline E. Hopkins
The Negro Problem, Major Charles H. Williams
Childhood’s Days (Poem), Effie D. Threet
Venus and the Apollo, Modeled from Ethiopians
Editorial and Publishers’ Announcements