March 1901 (Vol. 2, No. 5)




March 1901 (Vol. 2, No. 5)

Source: James Weldon Johnson Memorial Collection in the Yale Collection of American Literature, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library

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Table of Contents

Miss Laura Bennett, Brooklyn, N.Y. [Cover]
“I’d Do Anything That Would Break This Cursed Luck I’m Having”
 [illustration for Hagar’s Daughter], J. Alexandre Skeete
Buffalo and the Pan-American Exposition, 
Hon. Jas. A. Ross, 
The Old Folks’ Home of Chicago
Morris Lewis
Neath the Crown and the Maple Leaf: An Afro-Canadian Elegy
, A. R. Abbott
Hagar’s Daughter (Serial) [Part I, Chs. 1-3], Sarah A. Allen [pseud. Pauline E. Hopkins]
Jes’ Gib Him One Ub Mine 
(Poem), D. Webster Davis
Queen Victoria, The Friend of the Negro
, Robert W. Carter
Famous Men of the Negro Race — V. Edwin Garrison Walker
Pauline E. Hopkins
In Dreamland
 (Poem), Augustus M. Hodges
Here and There
The Story of the Christian King Khame
S.E.F.C.C. Hamedoe
Editorial and Publishers’ Announcements